July Capital Planning Projects Periodical

Posted on Jul 8, 2019 by dartdallas

The Deal on D2

Did you catch our DART Daily on how safety is informing the design of the D2 Subway? Safety is our top priority at DART, and we’re excited to share some of the innovative safety features that the future D2 platforms will have, including:

  • special access to emergency services, so incidents are managed quickly and efficiently;
  • consideration of the use of platform edge doors, which improve station and passenger safety and reduce the risk of accidents; and
  • intuitive signage and lighting, to ensure people know where they are going and how to get there safely.

Cotton Belt Chatter 

Work to construct the 26-mile rail line between Dallas-Fort Worth Airport and Shiloh Road in Plano continues apace. In June, the DART Board of Directors approved a resolution to name the future service running along the Cotton Belt corridor the Silver Line. Everything else about the project will continue as planned, with operations commencing in 2022. Once complete, the Silver Line will provide passenger rail connections and system linkages to major employment, population and activity centers in the northern part of the DART Service Area, offering 30-minute peak and 60-minute off-peak service to commuters. 

New Mobility Mentions 

Have you heard? The Federal Transit Authority (FTA) just announced a $60.76 million grant agreement with DART for the construction of the Red and Blue Line Platform Extensions. This project will lengthen platforms at 28 stations along the existing Red and Blue light rail lines that can currently only accommodate two-car trains. Once the project is complete, all stations on these lines will be able to accommodate three-car trains – meaning greater capacity and greater comfort for riders. Funding for this grant agreement is provided through the FTA’s Capital Investment Grants (CIG) Program, which provides funding for major transit projects nationwide. 

The DART Download 

From the Silver Line to a Gold Award: DART is proud to share that the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) has awarded DART its 2019 Gold Award for Security for light rail and streetcar systems at the annual APTA Rail Conference in Toronto, Ontario. The award recognizes DART’s ongoing commitment to improving safety and security as a model of excellence for the rest of the public transit industry. DART won the award for creating the largest on-going security endeavor in the agency’s history by addressing customer perceptions of crime and security.

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