Welcome to DART Daily, Dallas Area Rapid Transit’s official blog and your regular dose of what’s happening on DART.

Discover transit insights, stories about people and your community, local and national news and places you can explore on DART.

DART Daily launched in December 2013 and has been growing strong. Our team of storytellers enjoy bringing you stories about what’s happening on and around DART’s System.

We moderate the site and encourage you to post your thoughts, comments, suggestions and questions.

However, we do not tolerate profanity, racial and ethnic slurs, personal attacks or messages of the like.

DART Daily is not the forum to address customer service issues. For service issues, contact DART Customer Service at 214-979-1111 or online through our customer feedback form or our Twitter pages DARTalerts or DARTmedia.

We’re glad you came to visit.

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