Ask DART: Essential Items

A man pushes his bike to board a DART train. Photo by C. Cross. A man pushes his bike to board a DART train. Photo by C. Cross.
Posted on Sep 17, 2020 by DART Daily

Before I leave my home to catch a DART bus or train, what items should be on my checklist to bring?

Here are four essential items you should remember to bring when riding DART. Don’t leave home without them!

1. Cellphone: Aside from its obvious usefulness when you’re out and about, your phone has the DART Say Something and GoPass apps. Right? If not, you should download them. With DART Say Something, you can directly contact DART Police quickly and discreetly if you observe any disruptive or criminal behavior. Additionally, you can let DART know if you see a surface that appears to need cleaning.

The GoPass app is a completely touch-free way to purchase your DART fare. It’s more than just a mobile ticketing app, though – it also has trip planning, real-time arrival and departure information, and other cool features. GoPass also guarantees you the lowest applicable fare; you’ll never pay more than  you have to, and once you’ve purchased fares equaling the amount of a monthly pass, you’ll ride pay no more for the rest of that month.

2. GoPass Tap card is another touch-free ticketing option. Rather than an app on your phone, it’s just as it sounds – a card that you simply tap against the electronic reader located on rail platforms and inside buses. Good to go!

If you qualify for Reduced Fare on the DART System, the GoPass Tap card is the way to go. First, make sure you qualify. If you do, but have not yet been certified, buy a regular yellow GoPass Tap card at any participating retailer, and keep your receipt. Register your card at and call DART Customer Service at 214-979-1111. The discount will be applied to the yellow card, but you’ll have to exchange it for a new, white Discount GoPass Tap card once the DARTmart reopens. The customer service representative will walk you through the steps and answer any questions you may have.

3. Face mask: When you board a DART bus or train, always wear a mask – it’s for your safety and others’. Wearing a mask is required by an executive order from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. The masks do not have to be hospital-grade. You can use bandanas, scarves, fabric masks, etc., to cover your mouth and nose.

4. Hand sanitizer: This is one of the simplest, yet most effective, ways to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Be sure to use one with at least 60% alcohol – and also wash your hands often with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds.

Forget to bring your face covering and/or hand sanitizer? DART’s got you covered. You’ll find face mask and hand sanitizer dispensers on all buses, light rail vehicles and streetcars.


Categories : Ask DART Community Knowledge
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