Ask DART: Temporary Lost and Found Process

Posted on Apr 3, 2020 by Linda Webb-Mañon

If I have lost something while riding DART, how do I get it back if DART Headquarters is closed to the public?

Due to increased efforts to protect our riders and employees from the coronavirus, effective immediately, DART has changed the Lost and Found policy.

Our goal is to reunite you with your property as quickly as we can. The lobby of DART Headquarters, located at 1401 Pacific Ave. in downtown Dallas, is temporarily closed to the public to enforce social distancing and help slow the spread of the virus.

Therefore, if you have lost a high priority item (see list below) on DART property, you must first call DART Lost & Found at 214-749-3810. If DART is in possession of your lost item, and can verify ownership, then you may schedule a time to retrieve your item(s) at DART Headquarters between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday – Friday. DART Headquarters is located at Akard Station.

High priority items include:

  • Purses/wallets
  • Cellphones/laptops
  • Prescription medication
  • Prescription glasses
  • Canes/walkers
  • Keys
  • Identification and bank cards

Backpacks and other large items will be quarantined for at least 14 days.

When you arrive during your scheduled time to retrieve your personal item, proceed to the rear entrance of DART Headquarters on Federal Street. Use the intercom to the right of the glass doors to contact DART Security. You must have a photo ID available to show DART Security. If you are retrieving a lost ID, you must have another form of valid ID to confirm your date of birth and address. Once your identification has been verified, you will be allowed to enter DART Headquarters and directed to the Lost & Found window to retrieve your personal item(s).

Do not go to the main doors on Pacific Avenue, which face Akard Station light rail tracks. You must go to the rear entrance doors on Federal Street. If you have any questions, call DART Lost & Found at 214-749-3810.

As of April 3, 2020.

Categories : Ask DART
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