DART Celebrates Transit Driver Appreciation Day

DART bus operator Jacinto Gonzales DART bus operator Jacinto Gonzales
Posted on Mar 19, 2021 by DART Daily

Yesterday was Transit Driver Appreciation Day, but at DART, we celebrate our amazing bus operators year-round. This recent commendation illustrates our drivers’ commitment to 5 Star Service, which they demonstrate on a continual basis.

Recently, a passenger wrote to DART to thank Jacinto Gonzales for his good deed. After a trip from Tampa, the customer boarded the DART Love Link Route 524 bus at Dallas Love Field airport. At his destination, the passenger accidentally left his bag on the bus, which contained his aviation headset.

The customer assumed he would never get the headset back. But Mr. Gonzales proved that DART riders are in good hands.

Mr. Gonzales checks his bus at each rest point, and on this day, he noticed the customer’s forgotten bag. Remembering the rider well, Mr. Gonzales located the phone number on the luggage tag and called the passenger immediately. They arranged to meet at his next rest point at Dallas Love Field. The relieved rider met Mr. Gonzales and retrieved his bag.

Do you have a story about a DART bus operator or other DART employee who wowed you with their customer service? Tell us!

You can post your comments here. You can also call the DART Customer Care Center Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 214-749-3333 or fill out the Customer Service Feedback Form online.


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