DART to DFW DFW Airport Ambassadors teach visitors about the airport and beyond

Posted on Jul 24, 2014 by thudsondd
With 155 gates and covering more than 26.9 square miles, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport can be an overwhelming place to visit. The airport is trying to combat that notion with its DFW Airport Ambassadors program. DFW Airport has more than 750 volunteer ambassadors welcoming and lending a helping hand to any travelers with airport- or travel-related questions. And beginning on August 18, the ambassadors will have a new tool to share with travelers as DART begins service to DFW Airport Station on the Orange Line. According to DFW Airport Ambassadors representatives, DART's connection to DFW Airport is going to help with one of the most frequently asked questions: "I've got 7 or 8 hours to kill, what can I do?" Now the long-layover travelers will have a chance to see the many sights along the DART Rail for as little at $2.50 and be able to make it back in time for a connecting flight. Click here to learn more about the DFW Airport Ambassadors program including how you can sign up.
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