Thanks for joining us during our safety blitz this morning! We enjoyed meeting our riders and sharing tips on how you can enjoy a safer commute.
Check out a few scenes from the event:
Remember, actions speak volumes when it comes to having a safe trip. Continue to follow these safety rules to show you respect your ride and the ride of fellow commuters:
- Look up, stay alert – phones can be distracting.
- Remove an earbud or turn down the volume. Headphones can keep you from hearing approaching vehicles.
- Look both ways, cross only at designated crosswalks. Trains and buses cannot stop on a dime!
- Stand back from buses and trains at stations and stops. Be especially careful as vehicles arrive or depart.
- Wait for people to exit DART vehicles before you try to board. People off before people on.
- Watch your step as you get on and off DART vehicles. Always pay attention to the gap between the station platform and the train door.
- Keep the doors clear on DART vehicles and do not sit or stand on stairwells.
- Take a seat or hold on tight when you board. DART vehicles may stop abruptly.
- Yield to trains and buses. They weigh more, so you never win in an accident.
- Keep away from railroad tracks — never walk, ride, jog or hang out on or near them.