Taking Care of Our Investment

The train platform at Cityplace/Uptown Station sits approximately 10 stories beneath North Central Expressway. DART has six escalators and four elevators to help customers reach or descend from the surface. Customers who prefer to avoid the 257 steps rely on DART to keep its lift equipment working.
DART's Passenger Amenities and Facilities Services (PA/FS) team oversees elevator and escalator maintenance. They also are responsible for the inspection, maintenance and repair of all passenger facilities for the agency's bus, light rail, commuter rail and streetcar services, as well as the property management of agency-owned buildings. PA/FS plays a vital role in ensuring the DART System remains in a state of good repair.
Major Upgrades Scheduled for Elevators and Escalators
Recently, PA/FS staff oversaw the refurbishment of the two incline elevators, or inclinators, at Cityplace/Uptown Station. Elevator contractors replaced all the wiring and controllers, cleaned the stainless steel elevators and coated the hard surfaces in a film that makes the cabs more durable.
In addition to monthly maintenance, contractors also dismantle and thoroughly service DART's eight escalators - six at Cityplace/Uptown Station and two at Mockingbird Station - three times a year. Peter Dickenscheid, DART's field inspector who oversees escalator/elevator maintenance, says scheduled upkeep addresses most problems and prevents equipment from failing.
"Being proactive with the maintenance takes time, but in the long haul, our equipment is down less and hopefully we have happier customers," Dickenscheid said. In September, the agency will begin replacing 10 elevators located at six northern Red Line stations. The Passenger Amenities staff expect the project to take at least 15 months to complete.
Monthly Inspections Identify Needed Repairs

PA/FS staff, who are performing preventive maintenance inspections, visit every DART property at least once a month, checking all aspects of the facilities. Inspectors also audit janitorial and landscaping contractors to ensure they've done quality work.
"We're not waiting for others to tell us what needs to be fixed. By inspecting our passenger facilities regularly, we find out quicker what needs repair and maintenance," PA/FS Supervisor Joey Wynn said.
The PA/FS staff are not the only people monitoring the agency's facilities. DART encourages employees and customers who see issues during their work shift or daily commute to submit work orders as well.
Learn more about how DART keeps you moving in our fall issue of