National Safe Place Week and DART needs your help in combating human trafficking throughout the year.
Earlier this week, Deputy Chief of DART Police Matt Walling, joined a
panel discussion with city leaders during an episode of Dallas' #AskCityHall and talked about DART’s involvement in the Safe Place initiative, a national youth outreach and prevention program for young people needing immediate help and safety.
In 2013, DART officials signed the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Transportation Leaders Against Human Trafficking
initiative. Since 2014, our police officers, fare enforcement officers, and bus and rail operators have received training on how to spot and report possible indicators of human trafficking.
The agency also highlights the issue with informational posters on our buses and trains, as well as collaborates with transportation entities to help the public recognize and report potential trafficking.
Walling encouraged riders to speak up when they see something out of the ordinary.
“Don’t hesitate to say something,” he said. “You’re the best judge of what you see around you.”