Transportation news roundup History's worst traffic jams, London works to solve parking problem
Posted on Jan 14, 2014 by thudsondd
Here are your transportation headlines for Jan. 14, 2014. Want to submit a headline or have a question, comment, or concern? E-mail me. On this day in transportation history: 1954 – The Hudson Motor Car Company merges with Nash-Kelvinator Corporation forming the American Motors Corporation. AMC was later bought out by Chrysler. 5 of the Worst Traffic Jams in History [Gizmodo] Woodstock-kids
Frustrating, blood-boiling, and road rage-inducing—sure, but the scariest implication of traffic jams is how much our cities and surrounding suburbs depend on their concrete arteries.
Tulsa-OKC line could derail Wichita’s passenger rail plans [Wichita Eagle]
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is taking bids until Jan. 30 on a 97-mile stretch of rail between Oklahoma City and suburban Tulsa called the "Sooner Sub." It's largely a freight line but could potentially take a future chunk of the Heartland Flyer route away from Wichita.
How London Plans to Eliminate the Search for a Parking Spot [The Atlantic]
This week, the City of Westminster, one of London’s local councils, will start embedding the first of 3,000 sensors into the streets. They will be in the ground by the end of March, making London the world's first major city to adopt the long-heralded "smart parking" revolution.
Video captures rider atop Fort Worth's West Seventh bridge arches [FW Star-Telegram]
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