While you’re out shopping this weekend, take time to buy items for DART’s annual
Stuff a Bus event.
Support North Texas families and individuals in need when you donate adult socks, blankets, canned food and unwrapped toys at Stuff a Bus, Dec. 14 from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Mockingbird Station.
Each year, DART’s bus operators and police officers host the event, which combines two employee-sponsored drives, Santa Cops and Comforting of the Souls, to fill a bus with donations.
DART Police officers find families in need while on duty and out in the community and distribute the gifts themselves. With your help last year, we helped between 75 and 100 families.
Help us meet our goal to support 200 families this year!
Learn more about DART’s Stuff A Bus event on
DART Daily.