Ask DART: Face Masks

DART employee wears face mask. DART employee wears face mask.
Posted on Sep 3, 2020 by DART Daily


I forgot to bring my face mask. What now?

DART’s got you covered. You’ll find face mask and hand sanitizer dispensers on all buses, light rail vehicles and streetcars. Remember, when you board a DART bus or train, always wear a mask – it’s for your safety and others'. Wearing a mask is required by an executive order from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. The masks do not have to be hospital-grade. You can use bandanas, scarfs, fabric masks, etc., to cover your mouth and nose.

In addition to wearing a face covering, please remember to:

  • Maintain a six-foot distance from others as much as possible.
  • Leave an open seat between yourself and other riders when available.
  • Avoid standing in the aisles.
  • Avoid physical contact with others, including handshakes and hugs.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Please stay home if you feel sick or have symptoms.

DART remains committed to doing everything we can to keep you safe while riding during the coronavirus pandemic. Ride smart and stay safe!


Categories : Ask DART Community Knowledge
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