DART Rail stations attract nonprofit and civic developments

Posted on Jan 31, 2014 by thudsondd
By design, the DART Rail System serves many medical, educational, civic and entertainment destinations throughout the service area. While many pre-date the nearest rail station, transit access has played an important role in the expansion of these places. One of the studies released this week by the Center for Economic Development and Research at the University of North Texas assessed the economic impact of commercial properties built near DART Rail that were added to the tax rolls. What the studies didn't show is a footnote worth mentioning - public and nonprofit properties were not included in the study. How big of a difference could that make? Look through the slideshow below to see some recent (and one future) buildings or expansions occurring near DART Rail stations that didn't factor into the figures released this week. *Slideshow numbers do not reflect inflation and were sourced from local news and city websites.
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