DART Riders Required to Wear Face Coverings Starting Friday, July 3

DART riders required to wear face coverings starting Friday, July 3. DART riders required to wear face coverings starting Friday, July 3.
Posted on Jul 3, 2020 by DART News Release
Media Relations Contact:
Gordon Shattles
Mark A. Ball

In accordance with Gov. Greg Abbott's Executive Order, beginning at noon on July 3, Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) passengers will be required to wear a face covering while on DART vehicles or properties in response to the increased spread of COVID-19.

Face coverings over both the mouth and nose will be required when riding DART buses, trains and paratransit vehicles, Trinity Railway Express trains, at DART stations, on platforms, in buildings and on board the Dallas Streetcar.

To protect the health and safety of employees and customers, DART has remained in direct contact with local, state and national health authorities to develop best practices to prevent the spread of this virus. In addition to enhanced cleaning protocols for all vehicles, stations and buildings, DART continues to enforce social distancing initiatives including reducing passenger capacity on vehicles, provided Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for employees, and installed respiratory droplet plexiglass shields between operators and passengers. You can find more information about DARTs initiatives at dart.org/health.

DART has placed informational posters across the system reminding riders to protect themselves by wearing face coverings and to socially distance. The new requirement will remain in place for all DART properties until further notice.

Learn more at DART.org/news.
Categories : Community News
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