DART Works to Conserve Water and Maintain its Natural Resources

earthx.org earthx.org
Posted on Apr 22, 2019 by DART Daily

Happy Earth Day!

DART to EarthX this week at Fair Park in Dallas and learn about best practices to conserve water. With the theme “Water for All,” the event offers one of the largest environmental conferences in the world.

DART understands the importance of conserving our world’s natural resources, especially water.

DART recycles all antifreeze and cleaning solvents and washes all its buses using recycled water. This water is then diverted into a sanitary sewer system.

The agency also abides by the water restrictions that its member cities set during summer months and upgraded its site irrigation controllers to models that provide environmentally-sensitive operation.

To conserve even more water during the hot Texas summers, DART planted many drought-tolerant plants at its stations and transit centers.

In addition to conserving water, the agency utilizes other methods, such as its scrap metal recovery program, to make the most of its natural resources.

DART installed light switches in its East Dallas offices so that lights automatically turn off in unoccupied workspaces. At its transit facilities, the agency does not allow mowing on ozone alert days. Also, all of its lawnmowers must be 2002 models or newer to be compliant with current EPA emission regulations.

Ride DART to EXPO EarthX2019 April 26-28 and, in addition to understanding sustainable transportation methods, learn how you can make a positive impact on our world.


DART is making major improvements. To create a smoother ride through downtown Dallas and reduce service interruptions, track improvements and rail replacement will begin March 30 and last for roughly six months. During that time, DART Rail in downtown Dallas will be discontinued each weekend between Pearl/Arts District Station and West End Station. Separate shuttle routes will be in operation. Thanks for bearing with us as we build a better future for North Texas. DART.org/Plus.

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