When you’re making strides toward better health and wellness, who says aging has to be something to hide?
Age out loud and ride DART to the
Older Americans Month Information & Health Fair May 11
th from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at
Centennial Hall in Fair Park.
Receive health screenings and wellness information and enjoy entertainment, prizes and giveaways thanks to our partners: Al Día, City of Dallas, Community Council of Greater Dallas, Dallas Police Department, The Dallas Morning News, Telemundo-39 (KXTX) and NBC DFW-5 (KXAS).
Green Line offers you the easiest way to get there. Hop on board and ride to
Fair Park Station, and Centennial Hall is just a short walk away. You can
park free at a number of DART bus or rail facilities before riding transit to the fair.
Did you know DART offers
senior citizens an annual Regional Pass at a discounted rate? Visit
DART.org/fares for more details.
If you don’t own a Senior Citizen Annual Pass, don’t worry. You’ll be able to purchase one at the fair. Just remember to bring proof of your age, such as a driver’s license, passport or other relevant documentation. These passes also are available at the DART Store Monday-Friday from 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.
To register for the Older Americans Month Information & Health Fair, visit
DART.org/seniors or call Transit Education at 214-749-3494. For more general information about the event, visit