Whether you're heading out to the St. Patrick's Day 5k, parade, festival or the concert (or all four),
DART and partners can get you to the events safely.
• Mockingbird Station, Lovers Lane Station and Park Lane Station serving the Red and Orange lines (and additionally Blue Line at Mockingbird Station) will get you closest to the various events. Parade-goers coming from the Green Line will need to transfer in downtown Dallas to a Red or Orange line train.
• A Local Day Pass for riders heading out for St. Patrick’s Day is only $5 for bus or light rail and can be purchased by cash or credit card at ticket vending machines located at all DART stations. Make your trip easier by purchasing a day pass in advance by using the GoPass℠ mobile ticketing application for Android and Apple smartphones available for free through Google Play or the App Store.
• Consumption of alcohol or possession of an open container on DART platforms or vehicles is prohibited.
• If you see suspicious, disruptive or criminal behavior, call DART Police at 214-928-6300 or text the keyword DARTpolice to 41411. DART Police can and will apprehend individuals violating laws or compromising the safety of passengers.
• Get additional details concerning St. Patrick’s Day service by calling DART Customer Information at 214-979-1111 or by visiting DART.org to plan your trip.
And finally, have fun!