Traveling by public transit is easy, but may take a little planning when you are on the go. DART offers a suite of mobile travel tools to help you figure out your trip.
Download the free GoPass® app – The Travel Tools section includes a trip planner, Where’s My Bus
® and Where’s My Train
TM tools, links to ridesharing services and travel alerts. GoPass is available in the App Store and Google Play.
Use the DART Mobile Site – Go to
m.DART.org to access travel tools like the trip planner, bus and train locators, rider alerts and point-to-point schedules.
Register for My DART Updates – Receive text and/or email messages about specific rail lines and bus routes, along with other DART information. Sign up at DART.org/email.
Keep up with DART Social Media – Follow
@DARTmedia and
@DARTalerts on Twitter,
@DARTDallas on Facebook,
@DARTDaily on Instagram, and
@DARTDallas on YouTube.
Call DART Customer Service – Contact the Customer Information Center at 214-979-1111, seven days a week, for routes, schedules, trip planning assistance, and any other DART question.
Learn more about DART's other travel tools and apps.