• Ride the DART Rail
Green Line to
Fair Park Station or
MLK, Jr. Station Friday evening for Fair Park Sparks. The free outdoor festival celebrates the addition of thousands of new decorative enhancement lights that will illuminate Fair Park's historical buildings, grounds and the ever-popular Esplanade Fountain. Musical entertainment will include nationally recognized bands Sugar Ray with guest Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. Synchronized fountain shows will take place at the Esplanade, along with an artist gallery, wine bar, concessions, food trucks, event booths and museums. Children's activities will include face painting and roving entertainers. The evening will conclude with a spectacular fireworks display. Information: www.fairpark.org.

• Ride the DART Rail
Red Line,
Blue Line,
Green Line or
Orange Line to
West End Station, then DART
Bus Route 52 from
Rosa Parks Plaza Sunday for Trinity River Revel. The Trinity Commons Foundation presents the opening festivities for the Sylvan Avenue Bridge, Trinity Skyline Trail, Continental Pedestrian Bridge and West Dallas Gateway. All four of these new amenities to the Trinity River corridor in Dallas are set to have their grand opening and the Trinity River Revel offers a wealth of activities for the entire family ... all day long! Most activities are free. The new Continental Avenue Pedestrian Bridge and West Dallas Gateway Plaza, just west of downtown Dallas and Victory Park, are where most Trinity River Revel events are taking place. They connect Riverfront Boulevard in the Design District to Singleton Boulevard and Trinity Groves in West Dallas. Other events are taking place in the Trinity River basin, beneath the Continental Avenue Pedestrian Bridge. Information: www.trinityriverrevel.com.
Find more events like the
Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology on our
Rider Insider Online Calendar or in the brochures found on DART light rail vehicles or buses.