DART, the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and Richardson Bike Mart are hosting the second annual
Bike to Work Challenge in May to help encourage riders to use bicycles as an alternative to driving.
Participants must log their daily bicycle commute activities from May 1 to May 31 through NCTCOG’s free
Try Parking It website at www.tryparkingit.com. Participants in the challenge will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win a $200 gift card to Richardson Bike Mart.
Residents of DART cities; Addison, Carrollton, Cockrell Hill, Dallas, Farmers Branch, Garland, Glenn Heights, Highland Park, Irving, Richardson, Rowlett, Plano and University Park, or cyclists who have a work destination that begins with the “75” zip code are eligible to participate.
DART customers can ride their bikes to rail stations and use more than 140 bike lids to store their bicycle or take advantage of bike racks on every bus and train. Bicycles are allowed on all DART vehicles, Trinity Railway Express trains and Dallas Streetcars.
Learn more about DART’s
Bike to Work Challenge and
National Bike to Work Day, May 19, by visiting www.DART.org/bike.