Ask DART: Bus and Rail Capacity

A DART light rail vehicle passes Akard Station in Downtown Dallas. A DART light rail vehicle passes Akard Station in Downtown Dallas.
Posted on Aug 6, 2020 by DART Daily


Do state capacity rules apply to DART buses and trains? If so, how will that be enforced?


Governor Greg Abbott has issued several Executive Orders detailing the ongoing “Opening the State of Texas” plan to open businesses and activities in Texas. No specific health protocol has been issued for public transportation at this time.

DART has chosen to limit capacity on its buses and trains to enable our customers to practice social distancing.

On trains, DART is limiting passenger capacity to 47 per car. On 40-foot buses, DART is limiting passenger capacity to 20, and on 31-foot buses, passenger capacity is limited to 17 riders. Passenger capacity is six on ARBOC buses.

A bus operator, DART official, or an announcement over the train’s public address system may inform you that the bus or train is at or near the reduced capacity and recommend that you wait for the next bus or train.

DART Operations and Scheduling staff members are monitoring rider loads on our buses and trains. If we notice that a trip is consistently over capacity, we may insert another bus or rail vehicle that follows behind the full vehicle to pick up additional customers.

COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person-to-person through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. Some people without symptoms may be able to spread the virus. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.

DART is asking all our customers to take these steps to slow the spread:

  • Always wear a face covering when riding DART – it’s for your safety and others’.
  • Maintain a six-foot distance from your fellow riders and your DART operator whenever possible.
  • Leave an open seat between yourself and other riders when available.
  • Take a seat and avoid standing in the aisles.
  • Avoid physical contact with others including handshakes and hugs.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Please stay home and avoid public places if you feel sick or are experiencing symptoms.

Learn more about DART’s efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 at


Categories : Ask DART Community Knowledge
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