Know a Talented Young Artist that’s Going Somewhere?

2023 Student Art Contest
Posted on Feb 15, 2023 by DART Daily

Open to students in kindergarten through 12th grade, the DART Student Art Contest is back and more rewarding than ever. This year, students have a chance to compete for up to $2,000 in prizes and the chance to have their artwork featured in galleries and on DART buses and trains!

There are prizes for the grownups, too! The top five teachers or leaders with the most qualified entries will each receive a $100 gift card.

This year’s theme is “Go here. Go there. Go everywhere!” Tell your favorite young artist to show us all the places (literally and otherwise!) that DART takes them. It’s about seeing new places and meeting new faces. Who knows how far they’ll go.

When creating their entries, students may use multiple colors of their choice. Entries should be submitted on heavy paper such as poster, tag or illustration board.

Here are five ways you can help a young artist make a quality submission!

  1. Ensure the entry measures 11” high x 17” wide, formatted horizontally.
  2. Include the theme’s wording “Go here. Go there. Go everywhere!” somewhere in the submission.
  3. Incorporate DART into the design in some way, such as using the DART logo, a DART vehicle, a DART facility and/or the word “DART” in the artwork.
  4. Affix a completed entry form to the back of the artwork.
  5. Submit entries no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 22, 2023.
  6. All entries must include a completed entry form. Click here to download the entry form in PDF formatEntries must be mailed or delivered in person. Online entries will not be accepted this year. Entries may be picked up by DART staff, if requested. Entries should be addressed to:
DART's Transit Education Program
2022 Student Art Contest
Dallas Area Rapid Transit
1401 Pacific Avenue
P.O. Box 660163
Dallas, TX 75266-0163

Now that you know what we’re looking for, could you do us a big favor? Make a list of the young artists you know -- and tell them about this contest! Encourage them to use their imagination to create wonderful works of DART. DART wants to see as many children as possible participate.

For complete rules, prize information, entry forms and more, visit Good luck!

Categories : Community DART Daily Knowledge
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