The University of Texas at Arlington's student newspaper,
The Shorthorn, checked in with city officials to see how the
MetroArlingtonXpress (MAX) is faring after almost five months of service.
The verdict? Ridership is nice and steady.
Officials tell
The Shorthorn's Tanasia Curtis that ridership is around 250 trips per day for the bus that connects Arlington to the CentrePort/DFW Airport Station. In early November, the MAX added an additional stop at N. Collins Street at Andrews.
Arlington City Planner Alicia Winkelblech says the service is going well serving commuters in Arlington and UTA students.
The MAX is in a two-year pilot program that began in August. It's part of a partnership between DART, Arlington and The T in Fort Worth, with financial contributions from UTA and the Arlington business community.
Official: MAX ridership holds steady [TheShorthorn]