Happy Veterans Day to all who have served our country in the Armed Forces.
Today you can honor veterans during the annual
Dallas Veterans Day Parade downtown at 11 a.m. on Main Street.
DART gets you within blocks of the parade route, no matter where you watch, and will play a part in the celebration. Look out for our Veterans Bus and share pictures with us on
Facebook and
The Procession (green arrows on map)
- Begins at Reunion Park (near Union Station)
- Continues north on Houston Street (near Union Station)
- Continues east on Main Street (near West End Station and St. Paul Station)
- Continues south on Ervay Street (near St. Paul Station)
- Continues west on Young Street (near St. Paul Station)
- Continues south on Akard Street (near Akard Station)
- And will pass in front of City Hall (near Convention Center Station)
For more information on bus detours during the parade, visit
DART.org. For more information on the parade, visit