Looking Forward to a New Year: DART’s 2023 Year in Review

Bus and Train at Parker Road Station Bus and Train at Parker Road Station
Posted on Jan 4, 2024 by DART News Release

As we begin 2024, Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) looks back on all the accomplishments from 2023.

January 2023

DART welcomed the start of the new year with major improvements to bus routes and GoLink services. On January 23, DART returned 22 Core Frequent bus routes to 15-minute peak service, which were modified in June 2022 due to labor shortages. DART GoLink also expanded operations to seven-day-a-week service, from 5:00 a.m. to midnight.

February 2023

DART’s first long range electric bus began regular revenue service on DART Bus Route 20. With a range of almost 300 miles, the 40’ Proterra ZX5 Max joined the seven Proterra Catalyst 35 zero-emission electric buses that are currently in service on DART Bus Route 28.

March 2023

DART and Toyota have partnered with Circuit to support a free ride-share transportation service that provides West Dallas residents with an easy way to get to grocery stores, doctor visits, and other services throughout West Dallas, as well as access to the larger DART network.

With an average of almost 4,000 riders per month, the West Dallas Circuit Circulators are a fleet of six electric vehicles that currently operate Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

April 2023

To provide a cleaner and more comfortable environment for customers, DART replaced nearly 34,000 fabric seat cushions and backs on its bus fleet with vinyl-covered ones. The new vinyl seats are part of the agency’s continued customer-focused commitment to riders to provide a safe and clean transit experience.

May 2023

Sophia Wilson, an 8th grade student at Charles M. Blalack Middle School in Carrollton, was this year's Best of Show winner in the annual DART Student Art Contest. Her winning artwork was displayed at DART rail stations, buses and inside trains, as well as at the Dallas Museum of Art, and Love Field Airport.

June 2023

With temperatures rising across North Texas, DART provided transit centers as cooling stations for customers looking for ways to stay safe from the excessive heat we are experiencing across the region.

July 2023

With its continued focus on rider safety, DART announced the addition of more than 100 contract Transit Security Officers (TSO) to improve public safety and security for DART commuters.

TSOs provide enhanced service on DART’s light rail vehicles and platforms, as well as the Trinity Railway Express (TRE), with a focus on DART Code of Conduct violations and any potential unlawful activities on DART property. The TSOs joined the agency’s 252 budgeted DART Police Officers and Fare Enforcement Officers (FEO) in ensuring DART riders have a safe and secure experience.

August 2023

DART celebrated 40 years of service to North Texas residents. On August 13, 1983, the formation of DART was approved by the voters of North Texas with a goal of providing a transportation system that could be operated efficiently, safely, and cost-effectively. 40 years later there is a multimodal network of bus, rail, paratransit, and commuter rail. DART is responsible for 42.7 million passenger trips a year.

September 2023

DART continued its work to promote a culture of sustainable planning, project development, operations, and maintenance. In collaboration with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), DART installed electric vehicle charging stations at the Glenn Heights Park & Ride and Illinois Station locations.

October 2023

The DART Board of Directors elected Gary Slagel, who represents the cities of Richardson and University Park, and the towns of Addison and Highland Park, as their chair for a two-year term.

Appointed to the DART Board in 2011, Slagel, a former mayor of the City of Richardson, is the CEO at CapitalSoft, Inc. He is a former president of the Metroplex Mayor's Association, and a former president of the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG).

November 2023

DART proudly rang in the season with its second annual holiday train and buses hitting the road. Each car of the DART Holiday Train is wrapped with snowmen and hundreds of twinkling holiday lights to create holiday cheer for our riders and everyone who sees them.

December 2023

Coors Light and DART delivered free rides on all buses, trains, Paratransit Services, and the TRE between EBJ Union Station and CentrePort/DFW Airport Station on New Year's Eve. Rides were complimentary from 6:00 p.m. through end of service on December 31.

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