APTA Dallas-area transit riders save $9,478 annually versus driving

Posted on Jun 4, 2014 by thudsondd
traffic According to the Transit Savings Report released from the American Public Transportation Association, Dallas-area public transit riders are saving $790 per month and $9,478 per year by opting to leave the car at home and ride DART. And because of the spiking gas prices, 16 other cities are registering annual savings more than $10,000.
These savings are based on the cost of commuting by public transportation compared to the cost of owning and driving a vehicle which includes the May 28, 2014 average national gas price ($3.65 per gallon- reported by AAA), and the national unreserved monthly parking rate.
See the top 20 cities and their savings below:
City  Monthly  Annual
1 New York  $1,253 $15,041
2 San Francisco  $1,113 $13,350
3 Boston  $1,095 $13,136
4 Philadephia  $1,012 $12,140
5 Chicago  $1,008 $12,092
6 Seattle  $998 $11,974
7 Honolulu  $984 $11,813
8 Los Angeles  $953 $11,440
9 San Diego  $905 $10,859
10 Portland  $897 $10,763
11 Minneapolis $884 $10,613
12 Baltimore $872 $10,464
13 Denver $866 $10,387
14 Washington, DC $855 $10,257
15 Cleveland $841  $10,089
16 Pittsburgh $837  $10,042
17 Atlanta $804  $9,649
18 Miami $803  $9,638
19 Dallas $790  $9,478
20 Las Vegas $780  $9,364
Elsewhere and on a related note, The Dallas Morning News reports on a study from car GPS manufacturer TomTom that says Dallas-area commuters spent, on average, 59 hours stuck in traffic last year.
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