Ask DART: Virtual Public Meetings

Ask DART: Virtual Public Meetings Ask DART: Virtual Public Meetings
Posted on Oct 22, 2020 by DART Daily

Is DART still holding public meetings? If so, how can I attend one?


Yes. In fact, DART has several community meetings planned. As a precaution against the spread of the coronavirus, DART will be conducting them virtually for the time being.

Your participation is just as valuable to us as ever. To find out about scheduled meetings, visit To attend a meeting live, simply take note of its scheduled time. Click on the link provided, and you’ll connect to the meeting in real time via Microsoft Teams.

DART’s community meetings fill you in on current DART projects, and they play a big role in the way that we plan and deliver services. Our whole system was built with robust public input, and that’s why we encourage you to join us.

You can also watch and participate in DART Board of Directors meetings, which take place every other Tuesday. At our Board Information page, you’ll find each meeting’s agenda, plus links to background information. You can ask questions or make comments by emailing them to [email protected], either before or during the meeting. Your comments will become part of the public record.

If you’ve missed a Board meeting but would like to check it out – or if you’d like to view it again – go back to, where you’ll find it archived. It may take a couple of days before it’s posted.

Internet connection an issue? Most local libraries provide free Wi-Fi. Keep in mind that some branches may be closed or keeping limited hours until further notice.

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Categories : Ask DART Community Knowledge
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