Be a DART Expert See if You Can Tell Myth from Fact!

Posted on May 5, 2017 by dartdallas
We get it. There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to public transportation! We’re setting the record straight this week, giving you of the facts so you can be a North Texas transit expert. Myth #1: Public transportation is a drain on North Texas’ resources, and does not stimulate our economy. FACT: Public transportation is an economic driver. More than $7 billion has been invested in new and planned development projects near DART stations. Existing and future development near DART transit will result in $229 million in tax revenue. This tax revenue will support critical community services including funds for schools, public safety, health, veterans, and senior services. Myth #2: Public transit may help people commute to and from work, but other than that it doesn’t support North Texas’ workforce. FACT: The supply chain of public transportation includes much more than just light rail or bus operations.  One billion dollars of federal investment in public transportation supports or creates 47,500 jobs. The public transportation industry supports a large diversified supply chain.  Vehicle and equipment manufacturers, service providers, and technology companies all do business with public transportation, supporting a broad array of businesses. DART has driven significant job growth in North Texas.  According to a study from the University of North Texas, from 2014-2015 transit-oriented development created 43,000 new jobs and gave over $3 billion in wages. Myth #3: There are no major public transportation networks in Texas cities other than DART. FACT: Texas boasts more than eight major metropolitan transit systems.  Austin’s Capital Metro and Houston’s METRO are just two of these systems in addition to another 39 rural transit systems! Myth #4: We don’t need more public transit projects in North Texas! We already have a light rail system and plenty of buses. There is more than enough public transit to accommodate our region. FACT: North Texas is growing. The U.S. census shows the Dallas-Fort Worth region is the second-fastest-growing metro area in America.  Population is expected to increase by 64 percent (from 6.5 million to nearly 11 million) by 2040. The population of the 13-city DART Service Area should grow by 36% to over 3 million. Expanding our public transit and diversifying our modes of transit we can increase capacity. A holistic public transit system will continue to support our population increase and allow more businesses thrive in our region. Now you have the facts!  Make sure to impress your friends and family by sharing your knowledge and continue to check for updates on the newest transit projects coming to North Texas.
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