By the numbers How DART delivers for the Red River Showdown

Posted on Oct 11, 2014 by thudsondd
The annual Red River Showdown at the Cotton Bowl at Fair Park is one of DART's biggest days of the of the year. The Cotton Bowl holds more than 90,000 fans and many of those fans opt for DART as their preferred means of transportation to the game. Take a look at some more numbers to learn how DART delivers tens of thousands of fans to one of the Big 12's premier rivalries.


The number of trains DART has in operation on game day. This number is similar or greater than a normal DART weekday rush hour.


The number of trips made on DART on a Red River Showdown day. On typical weekday, there are 60,000 trips made on DART.


The number of volunteers DART has working at stations assisting passengers with reaching the game and getting home.


The number of extra buses DART uses to shuttle passengers from various stations directly to the State Fair of Texas for the game.


The number of trips made each way on the Trinity Railway Express. A normal Saturday has nine TRE trips each way.


The number of DART Police officers out assisting passengers and ensuring the safety of everyone on the system. This is double the number of normal DART Police officers on duty on a typical Saturday. DART also has K-9 units out and is assisted by Homeland Security VIPR team members and Dallas Police.


The number of maintenance employees working today to make sure signals, stations and all other aspects of the DART system are working and in top-top shape. This is nearly three times the number of maintenance employees working on an average Saturday.


The number of minutes between DART trains, which is also known as a headway. Saturdays normally have 20 to 30 minute headways.
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