Collaborating with the Community

Posted on Dec 4, 2019 by DART Daily

From planning where a new light rail, subway, commuter train, or bus line will run to what measure we will take to reduce the impact on surrounding neighborhoods to the design features of new stations — DART seeks to involve the community in making the major decisions that will shape the North Texas region’s transit future for years and generations to come. DART is proud to work closely with North Texas communities to help make some of the major decisions that make transportation planning a collaborative effort.

Collaborative Planning

Particularly during the planning phases of any transit project, DART seeks to involve the public—including riders, non-riders, residents, business owners, and anyone else who might be impacted by a new transit project—every step of the way. That helps ensure a new project meets the needs of as many different stakeholders as possible while mitigating any questions or concerns local communities might have.

The way we involve local communities varies from project to project, but we look to engage with the public in a number of ways, including:

  • Public meetings and hearings. These forums give local community members an opportunity to hear directly from DART and other agencies involved in planning a specific transit project. At these public meetings and hearings, local community members are able to review project-related information, ask questions, provide input, and have their concerns heard by the decision makers bringing a transit project to life.
  • Email updates. Through regular email updates, we are able to keep the community informed on the latest news or updates while also enabling those with questions or concerns to write, call, or email us for additional information.
  • Our website and blog. We keep our website and blog updated with the latest transit-related news and project updates to give the public an easy way to check in and see the progress we’re making, while also allowing community members to contact us with any questions or concerns they may have.
  • Social media. On Facebook and Twitter, we engage the public in an ongoing dialogue around not just specific projects, but DART’s overall efforts to move North Texas forward. We have also held virtual Q&A sessions to allow social media followers to have their questions answered directly by DART officials.

 Collaboration in Action

On any given transportation development—especially new ones—DART not only works with the general public and local communities to solicit their input, but also coordinates with a broad cross-section of organizations and federal and state agencies, including the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), the Regional Transportation Council (RTC), service area city councils, municipal departments, local utilities, community-based organizations, historical preservation groups, and more.

When it comes to collaboration, we don’t just talk the talk—we walk the walk. That includes projects that are currently in the planning or pre-construction phase.

See how collaboration plays a critical role in the upcoming D2 Subway.

See how we’re collaborating with the community on the Cotton Belt “Silver Line.

 Moving North Texas forward is a big job—one we can’t do alone. That’s why DART is so focused on involving the public and collaborating with local community members every step of the way. Together, we can build the transportation network North Texas deserves.

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