Cotton Belt catch-up: Work is underway!

Posted on Jun 10, 2019 by dartdallas

Work on the Cotton Belt project is finally underway, and we couldn’t be more excited! Although construction won’t begin for a little while yet, the necessary upfront work to get the project underway has begun, and we have all your information on what’s happening and how you’ll be affected.

The first step before construction begins is for the designers and builders to perform pre-design field activities along the length of the Cotton Belt corridor. This work, which began in February and will continue through June, will allow more of the detail of the design outlined in the Final Environmental Impacts Statement (FEIS) to be built out. It will also help to validate the engineering assumptions that inform the ongoing early project planning.

What kind of pre-construction activity?

This work will mainly occur in and along the railroad right of way and will occasionally require workers and small equipment to move on and off public grade crossings. The field work being performed will include:

  • Taking photos to understand the existing condition prior to construction;
  • Surveying and 3D scanning to get a 360-degree view of the existing corridor;
  • Investigation of existing utilities;
  • And geotechnical soil sampling.

What does it look like? 

The contractor’s work will take place mainly during the day and will involve minor surveying and construction equipment, such as GPS instruments, tripods, service vehicles, pickup trucks, small tools and light duty drill rigs. Contractors are unlikely to require access to any private property; however, if this becomes necessary, we will be sure to first get permission from the property owner and coordinate access in advance of the work.

DART will continue to keep you in the loop on the progress of the Cotton Belt project. Subscribe to DART Daily for regular Cotton Belt updates, view our video or check out for more information.

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