DART, Bryan’s House Providing Special Help for Harvey Evacuees

Posted on Sep 11, 2017 by lwebbmanondartorg
Bryan’s House CEO Abigail Erickson says, “it takes a village,” to meet the needs of Hurricane Harvey displaced families. Bryan’s House has taken in 20 children under the age of five who have been affected by the flooding in the Houston area. With DART’s help, these children are picked up daily from the mega-shelter established at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, and taken to the Bryan’s House in East Dallas. They spend the day just being kids, and their families get a much-needed break. “Myself and several staff members visit the shelter daily. We speak to the weary, the lost, the broken - babies in arms, some injured, mentally exhausted, hungry and scared. Our agency is determined to meet the need head-on, and in a meaningful way,” Erickson said There are a lot logistics to figure out to transport these children safely, and Bryan’s House turned to the transportation expert – DART. “Nobody does it better than DART. Our staff worked closely with DART and other organizations to get these children safely to our facility. We are so thankful for everyone’s help,” Erickson said. Whitney Mildren is a nurse who has worked at Bryan’s House for just six weeks. She is with these children daily. “I’ve been a nurse for 10 years, but I’ve never experienced anything like this. It’s been a lifechanging experience,” Mildren said. “I’m so thankful for DART and their staff. They have been so gracious and helpful through all of this.” Katherine Little, a DART travel ambassador, is one of many DART employees that helps with transportation to and from Bryan’s House. She echoes Mildren’s sentiments about this being a life changing experience. “Everyone is coming together. Pitching in where they can to make a difference. I feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to help,” Little said. “Team work. That’s what it’s about. That’s what makes things happen.” Bryan’s House is a Dallas based nonprofit that has been in operation for nearly 30 years. It offers medically-managed child care, respite care and community-based, family-centered support services, including financial education classes and parent support groups. Visit Bryanshouse.org to learn more about Bryan’s House.
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