DART prepares for winter weather

Posted on Feb 10, 2014 by thudsondd
Update, 4:10 a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 11: DART Rail and buses are operating regular weekday schedules this morning, although buses can be affected by local road conditions. Please watch for slick spots in passenger areas and parking lots. We will continue treating platforms through the morning. We operated trains through the night with no operational issues. Original entry: Like everyone else, DART is watching the weather as possible freezing rain and drizzle move into the area overnight and we're taking the necessary steps to prepare for Tuesday’s conditions. • DART will be running trains overnight to keep the overhead power lines, tracks and switches clear from ice buildup. These overnight trains will be "Out of Service" and not picking up passengers. • Additional buses and operators will be ready in the event that bus shuttles are needed along rail lines. For DART passengers, please exercise caution entering and exiting vehicles and allow yourself extra time to get to your designated rail or bus stop. Keep watch here for updates and sign up for e-mail and text alerts.
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