DART Safety Blitz to Encourage Public to ‘Respect the Ride’

Posted on Jun 8, 2018 by dartdallas
RGL_2780 June is National Safety Month, the perfect time to highlight why it’s important to “Respect the Ride.” On June 26, from 7-9 a.m., DART will host a system-wide safety blitz. From the Blue Line at Illinois Station to the Red Line at Parker Road Station, and in between, DART employees will be out and about sharing tips on how riders can enjoy a safer commute. What can you do to “Respect the Ride”? Consider these:
  1. Look up, stay alert – phones can be distracting.
  2. Remove an earbud or turn down the volume. Headphones can keep you from hearing approaching vehicles.
  3. Look both ways, cross only at designated crosswalks. Trains and buses cannot stop on a dime!
  4. Stand back from buses and trains at stations and stops. Be especially careful as vehicles arrive or depart.
  5. Wait for people to exit DART vehicles before you try to board. People off before people on.
  6. Watch your step as you get on and off DART vehicles. Always pay attention to the gap between the station platform and the train door.
  7. Keep the doors clear on DART vehicles and do not sit or stand on stairwells.
  8. Take a seat or hold on tight when you board. DART vehicles may stop abruptly.
  9. Yield to trains and buses. They weigh more, so you never win in an accident.
  10. Keep away from railroad tracks -- never walk, ride, jog or hang out on or near them.
Stay tuned for more information about the June 26 safety blitz.
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