DART to DFW Safety is key when training rail operators on the Orange Line extension

Posted on Jul 31, 2014 by thudsondd
DSC_4780 One of the most important elements in opening a rail line extension is training the operators, or drivers of DART's Light Rail Vehicles. Approximately 200 DART employees — including every rail operator, supervisors and other personnel — are required to complete a certification with the five-mile extension going out to DFW Airport Station. Training includes learning about every component along the extension like the grade crossings, switches, interlockings, signals and more. "Mainly we're trying to create a safe environment," said Faraz Wood, Senior Manager Rail Operations Training and Development. Wood says every employee is required to complete approximately three hours of training relating to the five-mile extension. That training ensures that the operator is certified to be driving the train out to DFW Airport Station. Beginning Monday, August 4, DART will implement its new rail schedule that includes trips to DFW Airport Station as an added layer of training. This gives operators, supervisors and other personnel two weeks of hands-on driving the five-mile stretch to DFW Airport to learn about the route and work out any kinks. The route will then open to passengers two weeks later on August 18.
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