DART to Silent Sky

Posted on Jan 19, 2017 by kagudartorg
s_6715f6silentsky.jpgLet DART take you to a biographical performance that’s out of this world. Uncover a true story of discovery as you ride to watch Silent Sky at the Addison Theatre Centre. The show captures the life and career of astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt (1868-1921), who made her way in the male-dominated field of science and academia during the turn of the century. The show runs from Jan. 20 – Feb. 12. To DART to the performance, catch a bus to the Addison Transit Center, then the theatre is only a short walk away. For more information about the performance visit, watertowertheatre.org. For a list of more DARTable special events happening throughout the month, visit our Rider Insider at DART.org.
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