DART to State Fair Classic Sept. 29

Posted on Sep 26, 2018 by dartdallas
State Fair Classic, Prairie View A&M vs. Grambling State University is Sept. 29. Just as exciting to watch is the halftime extravaganza - The Grambling State Marching Band and the Prairie View A&M Marching Storm. Both merge jaw-dropping precision and dynamic dance moves. The result – a flashy but fantastic halftime like no other you have ever seen. Tackle Traffic with DART DART offers additional service during the fair. Visit DART.org/statefair for details. Remember, you can take any line to downtown Dallas then transfer to DART’s Green Line.  Fair Park Station (Main Gate), and  MLK, Jr. Station (Gate 6) both serve the fair grounds. Download the GoPass® app The best play you can make is to download DART’s GoPass® app. It takes the hassle out of buying a pass. Know friends going to the Fair but not the game? Tell them to get $2 off Fair admission with the GoPass® app. The app is free, and you can download it from either the App Store or Google Play store. Purchase your transit pass and State Fair ticket in advance, but DON’T ACTIVATE them until the day you go to the Fair. Check out our game day survival guide for more tips on how to ride DART to the game.
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