DART Treats Every Day Like Earth Day

DART Bush Wash from interior DART Bush Wash from interior
Posted on Apr 22, 2021 by DART Daily

Conserving resources and minimizing environmental impact isn’t just something that DART does on Earth Day – it’s an everyday mindset.

Sure, you understand that public transportation helps to reduce greenhouse gases and pollution. But did you realize that DART’s commitment to sustainability stretches across its operations?

For example, consider the approach DART uses when washing its buses. With a fleet of 681 buses across three operating facilities, keeping buses clean and ready to serve you is not only a round-the-clock operation, it’s also a water-intensive one!

To conserve water, DART captures all of the water used in the wash as it drains into the floor. Up to 75% of the water is reclaimed, processed by a filtration system and later reused. Also, since DART simply air dries its buses, this represents yet another savings of energy and resources. When you consider how many buses DART washes each year, you realize what a big impact this makes. Watch this video to get an insider’s view of the bus wash and how DART reclaims and filters the water!

Sustainability is in Everything DART Does.
It’s not just the bus wash, though. Here are a few more examples of how DART makes every day like Earth Day:

  • Using solar-powered lights to brighten bus stops and shelters.
  • Choosing drought-tolerant landscaping to conserve water and reduce maintenance.
  • Utilizing motion sensors at facilities to conserve energy when offices are unoccupied.
  • Offering zero-emission vehicle options, including DART Rail trains, the Dallas Streetcar, as well as DART’s fleet of seven all-electric Proterra buses.
  • Recycling up to 22,000 gallons of antifreeze each year, along with all plastic jugs, aluminum cans and paper.

As you can see, DART considers the environment in everything that it does. Now think about sustainability for yourself. What can you do to make a difference this Earth Day? Let us know in the comments!


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