DART Your Ride This Weekend, Jan 12-14

Posted on Jan 11, 2018 by donncoburn

mlkgarland parade

It’s a three-day weekend for many, and a time for all to remember the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. DART gets you to the area’s MLK Day parades and events, plus some cool exhibits and theatrical experiences.

Friday, January 12 

Jurassic Quest, a dinosaur adventure featuring more than 80 ultra-realistic, life-size animatronic dinosaurs, opens today. Visitors can interact with these huge creatures, learn about them, and even ride a few. It takes place in the Automotive Building and the surrounding outdoor areas of Fair Park. Get there by taking the Green Line to Fair Park Station.

In advance of Monday’s big parade, the MLK Celebration Fair provides career opportunities, educational resources, medical screenings and access to valuable healthcare information from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the MLK Recreation Center; the MLK Candlelight Ceremony happens at 7 p.m. the same evening. The ceremony features keynote speaker Frederick D. Haynes, III, the senior pastor of Friendship West Baptist Church. The rec center is near MLK, Jr. Station.

Saturday, Jan. 13

Carrollton celebrates the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade at 10 a.m. and a program to follow at 11:30 a.m. The parade will start on Rainwater Lane (behind Carrollton City Hall, accessible by Bus Route 531) and ends at Ted Polk Middle School, near the corner of Keller Springs Road and Kelly Blvd. on Route 536.

The Garland chapter of the NAACP hosts the 29th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade and March, rolling again through the streets of Garland. The parade begins at Dairy and Garden streets (near Embree Park), which is accessible by bus route 378, departing from Downtown Garland Station. It ends one block from the station. Immediately afterwards, the celebration continues in the main auditorium of Granville Arts Center, right next to the station.

And the Perot Museum of Nature and Science will observe the holiday weekend today through Monday, with extended hours (until 6 p.m.) today and Sunday. There will be gems and volcanoes, boo bubbles and robotics, science trivia and space exploration. It kicks off today with Discovery Days: Geology. Examine minerals, plate tectonics and volcanoes. Participate in mineral testing experiments and digs, make your own volcano and explore the rock cycle. The special activities are free with admission, and there’s lots more – just follow the link. The Perot Museum is a three-block walk from Akard Station.

Sunday, Jan. 14

It’s a good day to catch Pegasus Theatre’s production of A Minor Case of Murder at the Eisemann Center. World-famous detective and aspiring actor Harry Hunsacker enlists his best friend (and paid-by-the-hour assistant) Nigel Grouse and the long-suffering Detective Lieutenant Foster to help solve one of his most puzzling cases ever. Will good win the day, or will the forces of evil triumph? Take the Red Line to Galatyn Park Station and find out.

Monday, Jan. 15

The Dallas MLK Parade draws approximately 250,000 spectators and participants, making it one of the largest commemorative events held in the United States. Participants include elected officials, high school bands and dance teams, car clubs, horses, local businesses and lots more. The parade begins at the intersection of Holmes Street and MLK Boulevard; it will proceed down MLK Boulevard and end at Fair Park. The festivities are accessible via MLK, Jr. Station.  

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