Destination DART Dallas Zoo

Posted on Sep 17, 2014 by ppaggi The Dallas Zoo is a great destination all year round.  Visitors can see lions, tigers and koalas – you didn't think that's what we were going to say did you? The Koala Walkabout by Kimberly-Clark Corporation features the only koalas in Texas. They’re part of the new "Outback". Once you’re finished with your koalalty time, guests can see animals from Africa, South America and others from Australia while learning more about their habitats. Guests can also feed the giraffes, watch the birds in SOAR (Wednesday-Sunday), take a Simmons Family Pony Trek and feed the birds in the Travis & Zach’s Birds Landing. Founded in 1888, The Dallas Zoo is the oldest and largest zoo in Texas. There are 106 acres and thousands of animals for visitors to enjoy.  If you come with little ones, be sure to check out the Children’s Zoo. Tickets are $15 for adults (12-64), $12 Children (3-11), $12 Seniors (65 and older), and Children age 2 and under are free. Get $2 off general admission on Mondays and Tuesdays with by riding DART! Just show your same-day DART pass at the ticket booth. The Dallas Zoo is located along the Red Line.  Riders exit Dallas Zoo Station, just look for the giant giraffe...seriously, it’s 67 and a ½ feet tall (the tallest in Texas!) and stands outside the zoo!
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