Destination DART Walker Stalker Con

Posted on Mar 9, 2015 by ppaggi
Do you love The Walking Dead? Then there is only one place for you to be March 14-15 in Dallas. That’s at Walker Stalker Con. Cast members and the living dead will come together at the Dallas Convention Center. Walker Stalker DallasWalker Stalker Con started simply enough…with a podcast and a KickStarter campaign! The podcast hosts, James and Eric, paid a visit to the set of The Walking Dead and from there came the idea of the con. There are panels, meet and greets, photo ops and a costume contest. Even if The Walking Dead isn’t your thing, there is still plenty of undead fun to be had. The con will feature guests from The Walking Dead, Lost, Breaking Bad and AMC’s Comic Book Men. DART passengers can get to the Dallas Convention Center on the Blue Line, Red Line or the D-Link. Prices to the Walker Stalker Con vary depending on the ticket package.
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