Do Your Part to ‘Stuff a Bus’

Posted on Dec 5, 2017 by dartdallas
Help DART "Stuff a Bus" and support hundreds of service area residents with donations of adult socks, blankets, canned food and unwrapped toys for children. Drop off donations to the 40-foot long DART "Stuff a Bus" in the parking lot at Mockingbird Station, 5465 E. Mockingbird Lane, Friday, Dec. 8, from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. KKDA-FM ‘K-104’ will once again have crews broadcasting live at the event cosponsored by ‘Smooth R&B 105.7’ KRNB-FM. Each year, DART bus operators and police officers put on the event, which combines two employee-sponsored drives, Santa Cops and Comforting of the Souls, to fill a bus with donations. New adult socks and blankets go to area nursing homes while toys and food help families in need.
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