Faces of DART Merton’s Story

Posted on Aug 22, 2018 by dartdallas
Our Faces of DART series has taken us around the region gathering stories from everyday North Texans to hear more about the role public transit plays in their daily lives and communities. From connecting employees and business owners to supporting a vibrant healthcare sector, public transit helps keep North Texas growing and thriving. Today, we’re excited to help tell Merton Labad, Jr.’s story. Check out the video below to see how public transit has opened new doors for Merton, and why DART’s multi-modal approach is so vital to seniors and North Texans with limited mobility.
  Merton’s vision problems prevent him from driving at night. Without a robust, multi-modal transit system, he would have very limited mobility options. But thanks to our region’s vibrant transit system—not to mention his senior-reduced price monthly pass that allows him to ride the trains, buses, and TRE—he is able to get around our region more freely and safely. Those aren’t the only benefits to strong public transit that Merton sees. Public transit helps him avoid traffic congestion, allowing him to save time, money, and frustration. Merton’s story is a powerful one, but it is far from unique. Like so many seniors and North Texans with disabilities, Merton relies on DART to help improve his mobility so he can enjoy all the sights, attractions, and other benefits our region has to offer. What’s your public transit story? Tell us and it could make you one of the next Faces of DART! Submit your story on our Faces of DART page today!  
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