Find Your Stuff at DART Lost and Found

New DARTmart - November 2021 New DARTmart - November 2021
Posted on Oct 12, 2017 by DART Daily


This information is for Dallas Area Rapid Transit, in Dallas, Texas.

If you have lost items while riding DART, please call DART Lost & Found at 214-749-3810 during business hours, which are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Give them a good description of your lost item(s) and ways to contact you if the item is turned into the office.

If Lost & Found is closed, you may call DART Customer Service at 214-979-1111 and they will take your Lost & Found report.

Please do not list your missing items in the comments. This blog is monitored by the DART Communications team during business hours and there may be a few days delay before we send your message to DART Customer Service.

DART Lost & Found is now located in the new DARTmart suite, which is in DART Headquarters at Akard Station and the public entrance faces Akard Street. We recommend that you call in advance before you come to downtown Dallas. Lost & Found is closed on weekends and holidays.

Thank you.


As a daily train rider, I’ve lost my fair share of stuff on DART Rail. My cell phone. My day planner. My niece’s puffy painted hoodie. Fortunately, someone found and turned in the phone and day planner. I don’t why anyone else would want that crazy sweatshirt.

I’ve also found a few things, too, that I turn in to the first-floor Lost and Found window as soon as I get to DART Headquarters.

With so many people riding DART to the State Fair of Texas® and other fall festivals, it’s easy to accidentally leave something behind. Here’s how to get it back.

Be Proactive
Please try DART Lost and Found if you think you left an item on the bus, train or transit facility. DART’s fare inspectors, police, operators, cleaning crew and maintenance staff are all checking for lost articles. Our customers are pretty great, too, turning in items they find to DART personnel or the Lost & Found office. So many items are never claimed because those customers assumed their belongings are gone for good. Chances are we have it at Lost and Found. You just have to ask.

Be Patient
It usually takes at least 1-2 business days for couriers to transfer items from the bus and rail divisions to DART Headquarters. Those items arrive at Lost and Found at 4 p.m. on business days. If staff or customers turn in items at another facility, it may take a few days longer. Keep checking back every day or two. Guest relations agents log all items as they come in and items are well organized in a secure storage room. They can quickly determine if your item has arrived.

Be Descriptive
DART takes caution to return items to their rightful owners. When you call or visit about a lost item, be ready to share specific details about it: color, brand, contents, day and time lost, bus route or train line, vehicle direction – anything that can prove it’s really yours and help the representative find the item. Customers also must show a valid ID to claim their belongings.

For example, when I left my phone on the train, I told the rep that I lost a turquoise Samsung Galaxy with no case while riding the Red Line back to Parker Road. My phone was chipped in the bottom corner, on the AT&T network, and there was a photo of flamingos on my screen saver.

Be Preventive
When riding transit, keep your belongings on your lap, check around you before you exit the train or bus, and make sure you take your bike, suitcase or stroller when you leave the vehicle. Make sure there’s a contact card in every bag, backpack or purse. If you lock your phone, find a way to put your name or an ICE (in case of emergency) number on the lock screen, or put a contact card in your phone case. Guest relations agents check lost items for anything that might have your name, phone number and/or address. If they find contact information, they will call you or mail a letter.

DART Lost and Found
DARTmart at DART Headquarters at Akard Station
1401 Pacific Ave., Dallas
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


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