Flat David’s DARTable Adventure

Posted on Apr 18, 2018 by dartdallas
IMG_8943 editDavid attends elementary school in Portland Oregon as a high-energy and adventurous 7-year-old. In class, David and his classmates read "Flat Stanley", a book by Jeff Brown about a boy named Stanley who turns flat (but, unhurt) when a bulletin board falls on him. In the book, Stanley’s parents take advantage of his flat condition and send him in an envelope to visit relatives in California. David’s class gained inspiration from the book to take part in a "Flat Stanley" assignment of their own. In the assignment they created a flat version of themselves and sent it to relatives for an adventure. Flat David arrived in Dallas Monday via U.S. Postal Service to visit his titia (aunt) Linda for a DARTable adventure. Tuesday, they enjoyed a bike-share ride around downtown, visited the Giant Eyeball and ate a late lunch at Sol Irlandes Mexican Chop House on Main street. Titia Linda even got him a DART T-shirt! Their DARTable adventure continues today with a visit to the Perot Museum of Nature and Science, but they need your help to decide what other DARTable destinations to visit this week. Give your suggestions in the comment section below or on DART’s Facebook and Twitter pages.
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