Front-Line Employee Profile: Monique Theus, DART Bus Dispatcher

Front-Line Employee Profile: Monique Theus, DART Bus Dispatcher Front-Line Employee Profile: Monique Theus, DART Bus Dispatcher
Posted on Jun 22, 2020 by DART Daily

We are grateful for our front-line employees and their dedication to serve our communities. Meet Monique Theus, DART Bus Dispatcher.

A note from Monique:

My name is Monique Theus, and I am a bus dispatcher. I have been with DART for more than 2 years.

I love my job because I love to be of service to people. As a bus dispatcher, I am there for the bus operators, the field supervisors and many other internal and external customers of DART.  In addition, I love to be a team player to my fellow colleagues. I look to be of service to anyone, and enjoy what I do. I enjoy coming to work. 

A day at work consist of coming in, getting on the console I am working with that day and making sure I have all my resources that will allow me to best do my job effectively. Then, it’s answering the calls on the radio, working with the supervisors in the field and the bus shops.  I make sure that DART buses are running on time and serving the community and, most importantly, I am there for our front-line bus operators to meet their needs. 

My words of inspiration for others during this difficult time are: Do not lose hope in these uncertain times.

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