FTA Deputy Administrator tours new DFW Airport Station

Posted on Feb 7, 2014 by thudsondd
Despite below-freezing temperatures and snow, the show carried on Thursday as officials from the Federal Transportation Administration, DFW Airport and DART toured DFW Airport Station, which is part of DART's 4.7-mile Orange Line extension. Construction of the station is nearing completion, but testing, training and other final work remains before employees and travelers can connect directly to the one of the largest airports in the world, DART President and CEO Gary Thomas said. FTA Deputy Administrator Therese McMillan called the station "beautiful" in a story reported by The Dallas Morning News. The rail station sits outside Terminal A and connects to the airport by a short walkway. Passengers can connect to other terminals outside the secure area with Terminal Link bus shuttles or inside the secure area with the Skylink automated people mover. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport CEO Sean Donohue said the demand has been high to connect to downtown Dallas from the airport, especially from travelers from large Asian or European cities. Officials expect the Orange Line extension to open in September.
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