Get the 411 on DART Stop IDs

Posted on Jul 26, 2017 by kptacek2013
Each bus stop and rail station in the DART System is labeled with a unique 5-digit identification number, called a Stop ID. The number is located on the sign. You also can find a Stop ID number using the online Stop ID Finder. With Stop ID numbers, you can get faster results when using the DART Trip Planner or when calling 214-979-1111 to use the new and improved Customer Information Line. If you travel from the same stops regularly, keep a list of Stop ID numbers handy to make trip planning easier. For example, you need to catch the Route 350 bus between the Collin College-Spring Creek Campus in Plano and Parker Road Station. There are two bus stops just outside your neighborhood – one on either side of the street – so you’ll need the Stop ID number for both. Also, the bus stops at the transit center at Parker Road Station have a different Stop ID than the light rail platform. Parker Road at Raton Lane traveling toward Parker Road Station - Stop ID 27438 Parker Road Station Transit Center - Stop ID 33313 Using Stop IDs, here's how you would find the next bus (or train): On GoPass Launch the GoPass app Click Travel Tools Click either Where’s My Bus?® or Where’s My Train?TM Click Stop ID Enter the 5-digit Stop ID and choose Search         By Text Start a new message with 41411 as the Recipient In the Message, type DART 27438 (use the 5-digit Stop ID) Hit Send A reply text will come with the next two DART vehicles scheduled to arrive at that stop. If you need more options, reply to the text with M for More. On Stop ID Finder Go to the DART Stop ID Finder page. In the Plan Your Next Trip section, enter the beginning and ending Stop IDs. Choose your travel date and departure or arrival time. Click Get Trip Plan to get your travel instructions.
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