Help DART Stuff a Bus for Charity

Posted on Dec 2, 2019 by DART Daily

DART employees will hold their annual holiday Stuff a Bus campaign to assist those in need Fri., Dec. 6.

You are invited to stuff a 40-foot long DART bus by donating unwrapped toys, canned food, socks and blankets at the SMU/Mockingbird Station parking lot, 5465 E. Mockingbird Lane, just east of the intersection with North Central Expressway (US 75), from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Your donation supports two DART-employee initiated campaigns, Santa Cops and Comforting of the Souls.

Just look for the specially marked bus when making your donation. The toys and food will assist DART Police Santa Cops as they provide meals and gifts for area families in need discovered by officers while on duty in the community. New adult socks and blankets will help DART Northwest Bus Division's Comforting of the Souls aimed at Dallas area nursing homes.

Stop by SMU/Mockingbird Station and contribute to a great cause on Dec. 6. The station is served by DART's Red, Blue and Orange Lines, and bus routes 24, 76, 81/82, 84, 521, SMU Express (768), GoLink for Lakewood and Park Cities, and the Bush Center/Meadows Museum Express (743). KKDA-FM K-104 and KRNB Smooth R&B 105.7 are sponsoring this year's Stuff a Bus campaign. Both stations plan to broadcast live from SMU/Mockingbird Station at the event.


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