High Five for North Texas

Posted on Oct 30, 2018 by dartdallas
DART is proud to offer multi-modal mobility solutions for our unique region.  This week, we created a cheer that spells out the ways DART hopes to create value for North Texas! Give me a D! D is for destination. By investing in our transit infrastructure, we are investing in making North Texas a destination for tourists, businesses, conferences, culture, food, and more.  We know that when we invest in public transit, we can help exponentially increase local business sales. Providing mobility options can spur local investment and economic growth, support existing jobs, while helping create new ones. Together, we can make North Texas a destination for all. Give me an A! A is for accessibility. DART makes our region more mobile, even for those that don’t use public transit. We offer 93 miles of light rail, 650 buses, 11,000 bus stops, 14 bus transfer centers, 64 light rail stations, and 10 TRE stations. We want to make our region more mobile and accessible for all—that’s why we offer so many types of transportation, so folks can choose how they get to where they need to go. Give me an R! R is for respect. DART respects all North Texans. That’s why we value your feedback on new projects like the D2 Subway and the Cotton Belt Regional Rail Corridor. We need to hear from people just like you! So join our conversation, DART hosts regular public involvement sessions and seeks to collaborate with riders and non-riders alike! We respect your opinion and know that when we work together we can develop transit solutions to meet local needs. Give me a T! T is for time. DART wants to save you time. More than 60 million passenger trips are taken on DART per year and about 200,000 people ride DART every day. That’s a lot of people off the roads and freeing up more space on the highways. Whether you’re running errands, getting to school, commuting to work, or connecting with culture and nightlife, DART wants to help you get there affordably and efficiently, so you can make the most out of your day.

What does that spell? DART!

Let’s high five and celebrate all the ways North Texas and DART work together to make our region great for all those who work, play, and visit! To learn more about DART, subscribe to DART Daily at http://dartdallas.dart.org/.
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